Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Random Question
List 10 things you want to do before you die.
1. Marry Harry Styles.
2. Have a daughter named Darcy
3. Become famous
4. Travel to every country, city and/or state in the world
5. Meet all my role models (Adele, Chris brown, Michael Jackson, and especially One Direction, etc.)
6. Go sky diving
7. Fulfill all my dreams
8. Become a millionaire
9. Have a lion and/or cheetah as a pet
10. Own an island
Friday, May 18, 2012
My weird life
okay so yesterday i was in the train with yahdiris miangel and a lot of other people so kevin (mango) gets up and gives his seat to some old guy dude and yahdiris was like"aww thats soo sweet i do that sometimes" and then i was "i dont" and ms johnson was like" oh thats not nice" and then some weird anoying lady that i dont even know came out of nowhere and says "thats not right" like she doesn't even know why or anything. I got mad but instead of answering back i just looked away. So the reason why i dont give my seat to people is cuz i rarely sit in the train, i mean like okay they want me to give my seat to people okay then i hope they like sitting on the floor. -_- thats all i have to say. FOR NOW!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Random Question
Have you ever been on a diet? If so, what was it like?
Answer: Yes but no, it wasn't like a diet to get skinnier or anything it was just like a diet to drink water instead of soda or juice. The reason why I started to only drink water is because I read something and it was about how water is important to you and your body, the article was about how you have to drink water in order to be healthy and that if you don't drink enough you can get kidney failure sooo I got scared and I drank like two cups of water after I read the article. For me it wasn't easy to not drink soda or juice, because idk it was just hard it was like I was addicted to soda idk it was weird but I just stoped and instead of not drinking soda I just made sure that I drank at least a cup of water before I left to school, after I came from school and before I went to sleep.
Answer: Yes but no, it wasn't like a diet to get skinnier or anything it was just like a diet to drink water instead of soda or juice. The reason why I started to only drink water is because I read something and it was about how water is important to you and your body, the article was about how you have to drink water in order to be healthy and that if you don't drink enough you can get kidney failure sooo I got scared and I drank like two cups of water after I read the article. For me it wasn't easy to not drink soda or juice, because idk it was just hard it was like I was addicted to soda idk it was weird but I just stoped and instead of not drinking soda I just made sure that I drank at least a cup of water before I left to school, after I came from school and before I went to sleep.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Random Question
Sometimes you hear about teens “cutting” or “self-harming”.
Do you know anyone like that? If so, tell the story (without using
names). Did you try you try to help them? How?
Answer: I actually DO know someone who does this, she is one of my best friends. I tried to help her but she didn't make any effort in helping herself but every time I see a new cut, (this may sound harsh but i guess it sorta helped) i would slap her. i know her reasons for this and well if you ask me she's been through a lot and it's kinda reasonable that shes doing this but yet again that's not the way to solve problems. i hate seeing her sad cause' she's like a sister to me, I've known her for the majority of my life and it's sort of sad that someone you love is going through all this. I still try to help her, and I'm not giving up until she stops harming her self. I mean like, what would you do if someone you love was hurting themselves?
Friday, May 4, 2012
For My Best Friends Ever!!
You guys are the best I love ya soooooo much you guys have been there for me every time i needed you. All i want to do is thank you for being so loyal and trust worthy i can count on ya for anything and everything. I'm soo grateful to have you guys as friends ya couldn't be any better. I love how ya are sooo smart, crazy funny, crazy, lovable, crazy, out going and what was that other thing mmmmm oh yh crazy! Lmao but i really don't consider you guys as my friends or best friends but only as sisters. :'] hopefully we stay together forever.
- Abigail
Random Question
How close can someone stand to you?
Answer: the closest that someone stand next to me is probably two or three inches, because if they were to stand any closer they'd be invading my space. I hate it when people stand really close to me especially if they are sweaty and stinky it just grosses me out. to get them away I'd just ask them nicely to back off or I'd just walk away any say i have to go somewhere.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
When you meet someone your age the first time, what’s usually the first thing you notice? What’s something they could say or do in the first minute that would make you say to yourself “I want to be friends with him/her!”
Answer: The first thing that I probably notice is their personality. Something they could do in the first minute that would make me want to be friends with them is making me laugh. I love a friend that can always make me laugh, that always brings me up when i feel down and especially someone who is loyal someone that always has my back.
Random Question
You just got a full scholarship to two colleges: one is in New York City, the other is in California. Which one would you choose? Explain.
Answer: I would probably go to the collage that's in California because my family is always going to be in New York so i know that they're not going anywhere but this opportunity is only going to be in California temporally, plus theres a big opportunity that i can meet some one famous.
Answer: I would probably go to the collage that's in California because my family is always going to be in New York so i know that they're not going anywhere but this opportunity is only going to be in California temporally, plus theres a big opportunity that i can meet some one famous.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Random Question
What is your favorite song? How do the words make you feel? What images or thoughts come to mind when you listen to it?
Answer: I have 3 favorite songs they are all from One Direction one of the songs is called "what makes you beautiful" (I'm actually listening to this now) my other favorite song is "Na Na Na" there's actually 4 i just can't choose between them 'cause they are sooo awesome the third song is "Torn" and the fourth is "Everything about you". the words in these songs make me feel happy i guess. The images that pop into my mind is probably pictures of them. The reason why i like these songs is because idk they are just so idk i just like them. To me they are an inspiration, they showed me that dreams CAN come true, they showed me to be yourself and enjoy it and to never let anyone turn you down, they showed me that being shy can sometimes be a good thing, and last but not least they showed me to never stop chasing my dream because if you want to achieve your dream with a little hard work it can come true.
Answer: I have 3 favorite songs they are all from One Direction one of the songs is called "what makes you beautiful" (I'm actually listening to this now) my other favorite song is "Na Na Na" there's actually 4 i just can't choose between them 'cause they are sooo awesome the third song is "Torn" and the fourth is "Everything about you". the words in these songs make me feel happy i guess. The images that pop into my mind is probably pictures of them. The reason why i like these songs is because idk they are just so idk i just like them. To me they are an inspiration, they showed me that dreams CAN come true, they showed me to be yourself and enjoy it and to never let anyone turn you down, they showed me that being shy can sometimes be a good thing, and last but not least they showed me to never stop chasing my dream because if you want to achieve your dream with a little hard work it can come true.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Random Question
For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
Answer: I am grateful for a lot of things especially having food in my plate,having a roof over my head, clothes on my back, my education, and especially my life. the reason why I'm quite grateful is because I know that there are many children and adults that are struggling to survive. I hope that one day I can help them by going to Africa or Indonesia and bringing canned food. I wish something could be done now so that people don't have to suffer anymore.
Answer: I am grateful for a lot of things especially having food in my plate,having a roof over my head, clothes on my back, my education, and especially my life. the reason why I'm quite grateful is because I know that there are many children and adults that are struggling to survive. I hope that one day I can help them by going to Africa or Indonesia and bringing canned food. I wish something could be done now so that people don't have to suffer anymore.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Random post
You are offered $1,000,000 for the following act: Before you are ten pistols- only one of which is loaded. You must pick up one of the pistols, point it at your forehead, and pull the trigger. If you can walk away, you do so a millionaire. Would you accept the risk? *BONUS* Tell the story as if this situation was happening to you.
Answer: I wouldn't want to die so i guess my answer is no, i wouldn't take the risk.
So i got an offer of a million dollars but in exchange for that i would have to pick one of ten pistols, in one of the ten there's a bullet, my task is to pick any of the ten guns point it at my forehead and pull the trigger. And if I'm lucky enough ill pick the one without the bullet and become a millionaire. Today I went to 59th st. and from there a couple of guys picked me up in front of the train station, they blindfolded me and got me into the car. I wonder to myself "why do they have to cover my eyes? what do they have to hide?" around 10 minutes later I felt the car stop, i was pulled out of the car in an unpredictable manner. One of the men took off my blindfold, in front of me i saw 9 other people. I gave a perplexed look at Anthony. Anthony is the man who offered me this opportunity. I saw Anthony whisper something to a man with a black suit, the man which's name is Dave, nodded and stepped aside. Anthony explained what was happening attempting to speak over Dave's voice so he's not heard. While Anthony was speaking I over heard Dave say "overload ALL the guns'' in an instant my face looked pretty much like this ->O.O .Anthony asked me "whats wrong?". I tried my best to give him a calm look but instead i ended up embarrassing myself and his face gave me a O.o look so I just ducked my head, looked at the floor and answered back "nothing". A few minutes later Anthony lead us to a different room, in the room there was a table with 10 revolvers, I was terrified I didn't know what to do but I knew that this was my chance to act so asked Anthony to pick a gun and put it on his forehead and pull the trigger. He ignored my question and told everyone to choose a gun, he told every one to choose wisely, after a minute or so everyone had a gun Anthony decided that Trevor should go first, then Anthony ordered Dave to take me to a different room I was confused Trevor was obviously excited as he pointed the pistol to his head I tried to yell for him to put it down but Dave covered my mouth and dragged me to the room that we were in before I tried to fight back but I couldn't compete with Dave's strength. Dave tried to tie me to a chair but in his attempt I was able to slip off and run. I ran as fast as I could to the room but it was too late all the bodies where on the floor pouring blood on the white tile. I was shocked I couldn't believe my eyes, I realized I made the biggest mistake coming here. I turned around to run back to the car in which I came in surprise to see Anthony right behind me, his face was all splattered with blood. As I ran into the room trying my best to dodge his bullets but I fell into a lake of blood and in that exact moment I knew it was the end of my existence.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Random post

Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed, and will die within a month. He begs you to give him poison so that he can die. Would you? What if it were your father or mother?
Answer: I guess i would, but the reason for this is that they are suffering they are paralyzed they can't enjoy their last days. but yet again i don't feel like going to jail or anything. If i were to be in that position i WOULD like for someone to do me the favor of poisoning me to end my misery.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Fakeness (tittle stolen from spirit parker)

It should just be illegal I mean you cant be smiling at someones face and when they turn around just stab them in the back. What I mean by this is you cant be all ladida with them and when they're gone just talk madd sh*t about them. like stop being a wimp and just say it to their face it's stupid and immature. If I where to have a probl

say all my friends aren't like that cuzobviously i'd be lying only like 2 are like that the others are loyal. I'm not naming names cuz i rather say it to their faces but a certain someone likes to do everything i said shouldn't be done in a friend. but whatever as long as it isn't done to me I'm okay with it.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Random Question

Answer: My opinion on sagging pants is that I think it's stupid I mean like what is the whole point of sagging your pants you just look RETARDED!! boys be thinking it's cute but most girls don't agree with it.
Example of how dumb people look when they sag----------^
Yet again i'm not saying for

them to pull their pants up like this ->
Im just saying for boys to just keep their pants on their waist.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Random Question

Are you a forgiving person? Explain.
Answer: It depends on what the person did if it's something serious it would take me a while to forgive them but if it's something non-serious then I would forgive them in a matter of seconds, soooo I think I AM a forgiving person because at the end I always end up forgiving everyone because I believe in second chances.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Random Question

If you were given the power to cure one disease, which would it be? Why?
Answer: If I were given the power to cure one desease it would be cancer. The reason why I choose cancer is because many children and adults die from it everyday. I feel horrible when I see someone with cancer, it reminds me how grateful I am to not to have that disease I would really like to help find a cure. I found out that snakes are immune to cancer sooooo maybe the answer is to probably create some kind of antibiotic or medicine using snakes (that doesn't include killing them). Not to be cruel or anything I love snakes and all but I would rather kill snakes to get the antibiotic/medicine than to have someone die painfully.
Images from: and

A well-known football coach once said, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” Do you agree or disagree with this?
Answer: I disagree because winning isn't important as much as just having fun. The coach probably just said that because the football team had to win so they can go to the finals or something, but I think it just depends on what game or sport is being played.
Image From:
Monday, March 5, 2012

Some people enjoy getting compliments and some people feel embarrassed by them. Which are you? What are some compliments you get a lot? Are there times when you get compliments and don’t believe them? Explain.
Answer: I am kind of person that sort of enjoys getting compliments but then i get embarrassed because I feel like all the attention is pointed at me and i get shy. Yes there are times when i get compliment and i don't believe them like for example I drew this cartoon character and the head came out crooked and my mom came in my room and looked at it and she said it was beautiful but i didn't believe her because I think she just said it was good because she's my mom, i mean it was good but I'm a perfectionist and the slightest mistake that i make that other people don't notice (that i do) gets on my nerves and i end up sometimes throwing it away or giving it away to my little sisters (the love it when i give them my drawings for some reason i don't know why).
Image from:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Question #23

Are you good at keeping secrets? Are there any situations where you would tell your friend’s secret?
Answer: I am extremely good at keeping secrets because i think that its one of the most important things in a friendship. The only time in were i would tell a secret is when someones life is in danger.
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