Monday, March 22, 2010

One thing i want to write about is that i like this boy and it looks like he likes me, but 2 of my friends be flurting with him and when they see him and there with me they leave me and go with him. I don't get jealous but i don't like when they do that cuz there my best friends and im their best friend too. Today i was playing with him, i took his sweater and put it on and he was chasing only me around so one of my friends got mad and she yelled come on Abby just give him his sweater. He was far away so i was jogging all the way there cuz i was tiered and my friend just snatched it away from me and gave it to him and she did that "cute"smile i just felt like screaming really loud.

1 comment:

lahana said...

...have you tried talking to your friends about how you feel? If so, what do they say?