Monday, May 14, 2012

Random Question

Have you ever been on a diet?  If so, what was it like?

Answer: Yes but no, it wasn't like a diet to get skinnier or anything it was just like a diet to drink water instead of soda or juice. The reason why I started to only drink water is because I read something and it was about how water is important to you and your body, the article was about how you have to drink water in order to be healthy and that if you don't drink enough you can get kidney failure sooo I got scared and I drank like two cups of water after I read the article. For me it wasn't easy to not drink soda or juice, because idk it was just hard it was like I was addicted to soda idk it was weird but I just stoped and instead of not drinking soda I just made sure that I drank at least  a cup of water before I left to school, after I came from school and before I went to sleep.


lahana said...

Interesting. You know what I do? Drink seltzer. It gives me the bubbles like soda, but isn't full of all the sugar and chemicals. But yeah, it's very hard to give up soda (I still drink a Coke Zero every day). I don't know about liver failure, but drinking lots of water keeps your skin looking good, makes you eat less, and look super cool (not sure about the last one).

A.ortega said...
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A.ortega said...

i wrote kidney?

kevin said...

nice post good for you and your diet and you drinking more water than soda